Balanced Practice

Advanced Planning

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Order summary

Advanced Planning

This service is only available to students who have completed the Know Your Worth program.

We all know the saying.... "Catch someone a fish, you've fed them for one day; Teach someone to fish, they're fed for a lifetime."
The Know Your Worth program is my version of teaching you to fish, but for managing your personal financial fitness.

After you've learned how to fish, Advanced Planning is me showing you my fancy equipment while you experience the subtle differences in a professionals practice, and I let you cook the bountiful catch I've lured to our boat. 

We use spreadsheets and manual review processes in our KYW program. In Advanced Planning Services we use the leading financial planning software and engage with you both at a higher level and with more comprehension.

This service includes guidance to the data collection process, an initial plan and one follow-up strategy session within 12 months.

Discounted hourly advisory is available to those who have completed an advanced planning session.

Total due $4,000

Payment information

Payment will be by Bank transfer. We will provide instructions after you complete your purchase.

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.